
selfie fun layout

by - 2:03 PM

Hey there,
So Friday night I decided to get a little messy with some watercolour from Prima well they are the art alchemy liquid acrylic paints and they work so well with water so I just used them as a watercolour  and the colours matched this pattern paper from shimelle sparkle city fresh flowers , I’m loving the bright colours of the collections ... I haven’t got all the colours of the paint but I hope Anna decides to add more colours to her collection as they are amazing....

And what’s crazy I didn’t even use any gesso to cover the cardstock first I just went for it and I liked how it turned out..so I might have to do a little video about these awesome paints..

Check out my gallery at scrapbook.com for the links to the products I’ve used

Crafty hugs..xx

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Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx