
moments layout

by - 3:57 PM

Hi Anita here with you today sharing a layout using the
You probably know by now I love taking photos of flowers as they are absolutely lovely 
With this layout I wanted to have the design in to parts on my layout one part at the top and the other at the bottom .

I started at the top of my layout with strips of patterned paper and vellum with the little dream banner 
I decided on a cluster of little roses on top of one of my cutfiles as if the flowers were cascading Down the page
I also added a few diecut bits of the vellum 

Then I used some of the pink patterned papers from the 8x8 paper pad and matted my photo and made a tag
Then added a strip to go behind my photo along with a bit of that gold vellum leaves 
I added a paper clip with little heart to the top of my photo 

Then I cut out another of my cutfiles to add more clusters of roses at the bottom of my photo 

I added my title to the right hand side of my photo 
And some little pearls to help the colours pop

I hope you have enjoyed my inspiration today 

Happy crafting..xx

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Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx