
Journal page

by - 10:40 PM

Hi there..
While my hubby sits and watches footy on tv sometimes I just sit with him with my paper and a pencil and just draw pictures and lately I've been loving drawing eyes and I'm slowly getting better at I think so here is what I've created 

I found a art journal I got years ago for drawing and somehow it ended up in a box of old scrap stuff
Well anyway I started off by sketching eyes out and I wasn't thinking where I placed the eyes till I was finished lol not in the middle huh ... So I really wanted to play with some bright colours like a test run for  my first journal page as I normally just flick the mist where I want it ..I stamped a few Prima stamps and another stamp I had then added some clear impasto over the top to stop the mist from just sinking in to the paper added the mist one at a time and drying with the heat gun I have to say I really had a lot of fun doing it ! So hopefully I will do some more of them soon...

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog

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Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx