
Frangpanis - 2peas moodboard challenge

by - 8:26 PM

So at 2peas in a bucket this month they have this kool moodboard
That I've been adoring for a week now so as the last few days have been so hot I decided that I would
Have a creative weekend in the air con

I was inspired by the colours and some of the elements in the moodboard and Lisa Dickinson's
grid design of her challenge layout
I absolutely love these frangpani's the colours are just so lovely

I adore these little pockets for tags

American crafts -  white cardstock ,thickers
crate paper - tags and elements
Pebbles Inc - pocket
twine, flower ,cotton, rubons , rhinestones, watercolour, punched heart

Ab- hugs Tag

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Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx