
photo fun..!!

by - 11:00 AM

I thought I would share just a few shots that I've taken
I have so many I will have to get them printed out I'm totally loving my new camera my family got me for my birthday 

One morning befor school my daughter eve wanted me to take photos of some cobwebs that had dew on them and she wanted to be in the photo with one of them

This one I loved taking a photo of this cobweb it made for a great photo
Love these little double bar finches they are nesting in out garden it's so lovely to hear them feeding their baby's
And before spring we planted lots of beautiful roses in the garden and now they are all in bloom so we have bees and butterfly's flying around everywhere
And we planted a bunch of old packets of seeds that we had but only a few came up but I'm totally loving the ones that did
And as it's getting hot here we over in the paddock watering some trees so Kara got under the sprinkler to cool down

Our horse is just the funniest I got this pic of her by sitting on the ground and her looking down at me with a funny face as if to say Darn girl you got small lol...

Thanks for looking..xx

Ab- hugs Tag

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1 comment

  1. Woooo very nice this photos!!!!!!I love the horse , very fun!!!!!


Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx