
Cactus Beauty - Mystical Scrapbooks CC

by - 9:00 PM

so its Mystical CyberCrop with a super fun challenge so pop on over and check it out

so this month we are kitting from our stash mind you my stash is a little low as ive been trying to use you some of my old stuff as i have my eye on some new collections
so here is my kit Ive made up from my stash

i love this beautiful photo my dad took of a cactus in bloom

i really love this photo my dad took of a cactus growing in his garden
lots of beautiful red blooms

here is what ive used on my layout
dark blue cardstock
Glitz design - yours truly
flourish with a bling - pearls red
mont marte paint white
AC thickers white foam
Adorn it mini alphas

Thanks For looking

Ab- hugs Tag

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Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx