
One amazing love story...

by - 11:32 AM

hi ..
here is my Take on the story Challenge over at Bird is the Word

my love story is my cat Kushan
on my 28th Birthday my hubby took me to the pet shop in town and when we where in the shop he said pick a kitten and their was lots of them and one little fluffy one in a cage by its self and as i brushed past this cage to look at more kittens he had put his paw out and hooked on to my shirt my hubby said STOP.. that kitten has pick you!!! so yep we got him i think he is more then just a normal cat her follows me around like a dog i cant even go to the toilet with out him its like he has to know where i am all the times and he get his nose bent out of joint when the girls take his spot on the end of my bed.. he is my scrap buddy so we spend a lot of time with each other.. he is 6 years old he lives a Kush life

Thanks For Looking

Ab- hugs Tag

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3 comment

  1. Ohhhh I love your page, beautifulll,thanks for joining in at BITW!!

  2. Awwww... How cute is this layout!!
    Thanks for sharing with us over at BITW.....

  3. Love your work!

    Thx for joining us at BITW :)


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