
Jacaranda in bloom

by - 11:21 AM

Hey  guys
I really enjoyed taking a walk around our land last month and taking a few photos
It was so refreshing to see all the flowers and butterfly’s flying around that everything was growing and blooming now the weather is getting a bit hotter I do hope we get some rain so it don't get to dry cause i love it when its green and fresh. went and got some photos done at big W 10cent a print so i went all out and got 79 photos printed and it was only $7.90 you cant print them your self for that price...
I really loved how this layout turned out. 
I used a little bit of smooch spritz for the background just to give it that hint of colour

Here is a link to my flower Tutorial

****thanks for looking****

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Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx