
52 faves travelers notebook Week 1-2

by - 9:46 PM

Hi there,
Today I’m sharing week 1 and 2 of my 52 faves in my handmade travelers notebook 
So week 1 is all about coffee I really love a good cup of coffee it gets me going in the morning 

Here is a close up of it

Week 2
Is my happy mail from Doodlebug and I was super excited to play with it too

And here is a close up of this one

Here are the products I’ve used 
American Crafts - Glitter Girl Collection - 6 x 6 Paper Pad
American Crafts - Glitter Girl Collection - Scissors with Glitter Accent - 8 Inches
American Crafts - Glitter Girl Collection - Ephemera with Foil Accents
American crafts thickers sunny glitter foam stickers
American crafts thickers chipboard shoe box remarks


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Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx