
Hello layout - Sassy Scrapper

by - 10:00 AM

Sassy Thursday so over at the sassy blog this week I've created this layout using lots of carta bella
And lots of fussy cutting of those flowers on the back of the flower paper is this watercolour green that was a awesome colour to make leaves from it was super easy ..
As I backup my daughter karas iPod each month I have abundant amount of selfie photos to chose from and this one just had the right colours for this layout

As you can see I've added a stencil to my background using watercolour and mont marte impasto

It's amazing how fast she is growing up .. Thirteen next month

Here is a little tutorial of how I created the leaves for my layout

Products in the sassy store
Hello Again Hello FloralHello Again TrianglesHello Again StripesHello Again Friends Again
Flourishes FramesWood Icons in a Box Flowers and Leaves 1Kaisercraft Mounting Foam DotsSequin Kit Greens 7mm

Ab- hugs Tag

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Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx