
some awesome shots

by - 10:03 AM

so on the weekend i got some amazing shots with my camera using my zoom lens 75 - 300mm in MF mode all of the shots i took where in the morning

 ISO - 500  F/8  1/500

as spring is coming and all the flowers are coming out we have had a ton of rainbow lorikeet's in the trees i was about a meter away from him when i took the shot i tried t0 get closer but he flew away oh well maybe next time..

ISO - 320  F/5  1/320
this was the last claf born about 3 weeks ago so she is small but is a bit of a snoop and likes to watch 
what going on lol..

Willie Wagtail
ISO - 500  F/8  1/640 
as i was walking around the garden this willie wagtail landed on the post sunning himself in the morning sun it made for a perfect shot

ISO - 100  F/5  1/250
Im so glad the peaches are coming on the tree maybe we will get some good fruit this summer

ISO - 100  F/5  1/200
i got this shot of a cobweb in the morning sunlight at the corner of our shed

ISO - 250  F/8   1/500
i loved how these ferns were standing up so strait as if they where welcoming the morning sun

 ISO - 320  5/5  1/200
 my hubby's dad has been planting lots of flowers ready for summer its perfect for me to get some great shots of the flowers to used on my scrapbook pages

 Rainbow Lorikeet
 ISO - 200  F/8  1/500
 this was another shot i got of a rainbow lorikeet

i cant wait to get all these printed out so i can scrap them
Thanks for looking

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1 comment

  1. They are just gorgeous Anita...can't wait to see how you scrap them xx zan


Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx