

by - 5:14 PM

wow is this super awesome or what  
look what i have won!!! over at scrapfriends

i was just starting to think i might have bad luck as my camera has been playing up but maybe good luck has come my way yay!!!
im super happy i totally needed some more flowers so cant wait to play with it all!!

Thanks for looking

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3 comment

  1. Wow whee - struth Anita - what an amazing win!! Good on you & very happy scrapping!!!

  2. Blimey Anita! That will keep you going - well done!

  3. Yah Anita - how lucky are you? I was hoping my name would be selected, lol. Enjoy the fabby supplies

    Deb ♥


Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx