
watercolour turtle Squirt

by - 3:08 PM

So last night I was totally bored so while hubby was watching his footy I decided to
Have a play with my watercolour Derwent Academy pencils I'm not really sure if I'm liking them 
As much. But the colours do blend but maybe I might get some other brands to try out as their are quite a lot of other brands out there, I've seen a lot of people using the Prima watercolours I think I would love to try them next so they are on my list of to buy next.

I'm a big fan of the Schmincke kademie Aquarell watercolours as I have a 12 small pans
And they are amazing watercolours and so smooth, bendable and vibrant I guess it is to do with the watercolour paper you use I did use the Canson Aquarell watercolour A4 pad 200gsm with my turtle it's not bad and holds a bit of water and is not bad with mixedmedia as I have scraped with it in A3 size cut down to 12x12 as I will share soon ...
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