
Wanderlust - Kaisercraft

by - 11:30 AM

Have you checked out the wanderlust collection at kaisercraft
I'm up on the blog today with these fun creations don't forget to stop over at the kaisercraft blog and check out what the other design team members have created with this Collection

 CS206 clear stamps
CT802 collectables
PP962 paper pad
EF200 weave
CD511 Card Pack white C6
other - versafine ink - seqins - twine 

 CS206 clear stamps
CT802 collectables
PP962 paper pad
other - versafine ink - seqins - twine

CD101 kaisercard weave white
P1760 wander
P1759 Adventurous
P1764 unknown
CS206 clear stamps
CT802 collectables
P1758 freedom
KM106 Kaisermist denim
Km107 Kaisermist peach
T314 Double sided tape
other - versafine ink

Ab- hugs Tag

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Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx