
Outdoor Trail - Kaisercraft

by - 3:52 PM

I've really enjoyed being challenged with kaisercrafts new range of papers outdoor trail and as the collection is a adventure ,camping and all round outdoor themed I thought with that I would use pics of animals and a spider that I got really close too and totally freaked me out he totally made my skin crawl

So first up I made this layout of our cat loona a few days after we cleaned all the leaves from under the trees to put on out garden all the new smells she could smell had her going a little crazy

CT803 collectables
P1589 campfire
P1586 Orienteer
P1583 Bush
P1590 Swag
SS251 sticker sheet
IP724 ink Bark
T302  mounting foam
T314 Double sided tape
F644 coconut mini blooms
T613 Quarters stencil
Kc031 black kaisercolour
SS251 sticker sheet

other - silhouette cut - machine stitching - cotton - date stamp

While going through the papers some of them have a fishing theme to them so made me think of my hubby as he love fishing 

CT803 collectables
SS251 sticker sheet
PP946 paper pad
F627 coconut paper blooms
CD511 Card Pack white C6
IP723 Vintage ink
SB776 Bronze rhinestones

other - cotton

I know it's not really the photo a lot of people would scrap but I love nature shots so my hubby when ever he finds something that I can get a really good pic of he calls me (quick get your camera) he was cleaning up the yard when he found this spider under a bit of tin ,I got him to climb onto a pile of leaves  so I could get closer to take a really good shot of him

P1582 Woodland
P1583 Bush
P1584 Frontier
CT803 collectables
SS251 sticker sheet
CS184 clear stamp Outdoor Trail
SB776 Bronze rhinestones
F651 mini paper blooms Sunset
IP724 ink Bark
IP729 ink Tangello
AS252 Alpha sticker sheet white

other - cotton - silhouette cut

So don't forget to stop by the kaisercraft blog and check out the other creations by the team

Ab- hugs Tag

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1 comment

  1. Hi Thanks for my digi's, they are fab and I'm looking forward to making a card or two with them soon.
    Love your layouts, Loona is so sweet and the colours are beautiful for Autumn but you are a brave woman to take a close up photo of that spider - You wouldn't have seen me for dust running in the other direction, lol.


Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx