
ScrapVille monthly pack...

by - 12:58 PM

October Monthly Pack
Glitz range, Cashmere Dame

Included in the kit is:
6 x 12x12 DS patterned papers
2 x cardstock
1x Glitz cardstock elements
1 x Teeny alpha sticker sheet
1 x piece tissue paper
1 x crochet doily flower
1 x pkt pale blue sticky bling gems
1 x length of red pom pom trim
1 x length of pale blue grosgrain ribbon
4 x blue eyelets
You may also use any of your own large alphas to add to the layout for the Title only

To participate in the Monthly Pack Challenge you must: 
  • Use only the contents of the Monthly Pack
  • Use as much or little from what’s in the pack on your layout
  • You may use techniques such as inking, stamping, painting, misting, sewing, die cutting or embossing
  • All challenges must be received at Scrapville before Midnight 31st October (via email or drop off)
  • International challenge guests can only enter if they agree to pay the postage from Australia.
  • The Winner of the October Monthly Layout Challenge will win themselves the NOVEMBER MONTHLY PACK! Yes, gotta love that! 
Ab- hugs Tag

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2 comment

  1. I am drooling over this pack Anita!!!

  2. This pack is just gorgeous Anita can't wait to start it x


Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx