
Delicious Doodles DT CALL

by - 9:54 AM

Delicious Doodles

We are seeking FOUR new members to join our wee gang here at Delicious Doodles.

Do you love Delicious Doodles images?

Are you interested in joining our Team?

Are you confident using Digital Images?

Do you have an active blog?

Can you contribute to our Challenge Blog every other week with a project (not necessarily a card) and take turns in hosting a Challenge?

If the answer to all these questions is a 'YES' then apply now!!

All you have to do to apply for the DT posts, is make a new project reflecting your preferred style and personality, and post about it on your blog. Then add your post link to our Blue Froggy below this post for us to come visit you, couldn't be simpler, huh? LOL

(If you want to combine it with challenges at the same time, that's fine by us)

What do you get out of it?
You get to play with any Delicious Doodles image you want!
You also get to play with new images before they are released into the store!!
You get to be part of a lovely easy-going Team, no stress or pressure allowed!!

This DT Call will be open through our summer break, and will end on Friday 19th August at noon UK time,
so be sure to get your application in before then folks!

Successful applicants will be informed as soon as possible after that so we can get you on board and ready for the new challenges in September.

What are you waiting for folks! Off you go, get creative!
 so pop on over to the DD Challenge Blog

Good luck to all of you!
Teri and the girls on the DD Team


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Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx