
Creating your own Masks for misting Tutorial ...

by - 11:24 AM

OK so i have a awesome Tutorial
 to share with you today it came about when i totally needed a mask for misting and did not have one to use..
 mind you this is a brilliant idea i don't know why i didn't think of it before..!!
OK so you will need
  1.  laminates or acetate
  2. a cutting machine {i have a cricut}
  3. a design
cut your laminates or acetate to fit to your mat or what ever size you want then pick out a design you want I'm using a design from the cricut cart Wall decor & more ..

press cut and when its done pop out all the little bits and Yay!!!!
 you have a mask to use simple Huh

now how Kool is that...
thanks for stoppin by ..laters


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Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx