
a wet christmas holiday

by - 12:42 PM

hey guys yep I'm back from my wet Christmas holiday but i did have fun,it rained all week bar one day and that was Christmas day but i was cooking so i did not get to go outside but we did go to the shops and look around and buy a few things

got the girls to get on the Santa chair for a pic

in the car on the way to the holiday house

here are a few pic's i took of the view from the veranda of the holiday house while it was raining


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2 comment

  1. This rain has been a pain hasn't it Anita!!But still you are smiling I am sure, cos you can scrap & make cards again!
    Happy New Year to you, enjoy a happy & scrappy year,
    Love Deb xx

  2. Rain or no rain ... I hope you had a WONDERFUL holiday! Your girls are ADORABLE!! Great photos my friend ... thank you for sharing! I would LOVE to see anything green right now! I'm already tired of WHITE SNOW and we still have a few months to go! Uuugh!



Thanks for poping over to my blog i love all your Awesome comments Hugz Anita..xx